The Automobile Dealers Association of North Dakota was formed in 1933 to help North Dakota automobile dealers solve mutual problems, channel resources, exchange information, and develop leadership. ADAND promotes the industry and profession as a whole, guards against adverse outside influences, and gives you the benefit of full-time resources from your Association office. Your Association can accomplish all of this with the utmost efficiency for both large and small firms throughout North Dakota. With your support, ADAND will continue to remain a viable, forward-looking organization, identifying issues within the industry and addressing them as a strong, unified dealer body.
In 1986, Pioneer EDA and the Automobile Dealers Association of North Dakota (ADAND) formed Association Services, Inc. (ASI, dba Pioneer Promo), the administrative arm of Pioneer EDA and ADAND. ASI is wholly owned by the two associations, and is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 4 automobile dealers, 4 equipment dealers, and one member-at-large who is elected by the other eight. Through ASI, the associations are able to offer various products and services, support the group health insurance program, and unify administrative costs.
With your support, ADAND will continue to grow as a viable, forward-looking organization, identifying issues within the industry and addressing them as a strong, unified dealer body.
Organizational Structure - The ADAND is a non-profit organization. Our governing documents, conflict of interest policy, financial statements, and IRS Form 990 are available to the public upon written request.